As you may have noticed I’m currently only blogging about computer forensics and cybercrime investigations only at / So please come over there and read on my dear.
Private homepage of Alexander Geschonneck (Berlin, Germany).
As you may have noticed I’m currently only blogging about computer forensics and cybercrime investigations only at / So please come over there and read on my dear.
After ten happy and successful years with HiSolutions, I’m now with the
The following text is the german funeral speach for my daddy. Diese Rede wurde am 03.05.2008 auf Erwin Geschonneck‘s Beerdigung von Alexander Geschonneck gehalten.
3rd Edition of “Computer-Forensik. Computerstraftaten erkennen, ermitteln, aufklären.” The new revised edition of my book on computer forensics in German language is available. For detailed information and the TOC check out or go directly to amazon.
I just installed WordPress 2.5. I hope everything works fine.
In collaboration with the german IT journal iX I’m going to give again computer forensics lessons in Frankfurt and Berlin.
Letzte Nacht ist mein Vater im Alter von 101 Jahren in Berlin verstorben. Er konnte auf ein langes Leben zurückblicken, welches angefüllt war mit Leid während der Nazizeit aber auch mit großen Erfolgen und Anerkennung nach dem Krieg.
I pulished my Vista Forensics slides on my german computer forensics website.
I installed WordPress 2.3.2. Severeal urgent security bugs were fixed. Please report errors.
I’m going to talk about Windows Vista Forensics at the DFN-CERT workshop. The workshop will be held on Februray 13 and 14, 2008 in Hamburg, Germany.